Perancangan Alat Pendeteksi Kebocoran Gas LPG Berbasis Sensor MQ-2 dan Arduino Uno


  • Mardi Irawan Teknik Elektro, Fakultas Sains dan Teknologi Universitas Pelita Harapan


LPG, Arduino, sensor MQ-2, internet of things


Pada era modern seperti sekarang ini, penggunaan gas LPG (Liquefied Petroleum Gas) cukup penting baik di rumah tangga maupun industri. Kemudahan dalam penggunaan dan harganya yang terjangkau menyebabkan LPG banyak dimanfaatkan untuk kebutuhan rumah tangga. Namun gas LPG dapat berdampak negatif, bilamana penggunaannya tidak dilakukan dengan baik dan benar. Sifatnya yang mudah terbakar, mudah bocor dan menybar kemana-mana di udara membuat gas LPG ini sebagai salah satu pencetus kebakaran. Kebocoran gas LPG ini sering sekali terlambat terdeteksi bahkan terabaikan atau tidak disadari, ketika bahaya kebakaran sudah sulit dikendalikan. Kebakaran yang disebabkan oleh kebocoran gas ini diperparah dengan adanya akumulasi dari gas itu sendiri pada ruangan tertutup yang bercampur antara gas, oksigen dan panas. Oleh sebab itu dalam TA ini penulis merancang suatu sistem peringatan dini pendeteksi dan monitoring kebocoran gas. Dengan pemanfaatan Arduino Uno sebagai otak atau mikrokontrolernya, sensor MQ-2 sebagai sensor pendeteksi keboocoran gas LPG. Piranti-piranti tersebut diintegrasikan kedalam satu system dimana terdapat protokol wireless 2.4 gHz. Dengan demikian alat ini dapat mengirimkan informasi ke user melalui aplikasi Blynk yang terinstal pada handphone. IoT (Internet of Things) sebagai media interface dalam monitoring aktual secara real time.


In this modern era, the use of LPG (Liquefied Petroleum Gas) is quite important both in households and industry. Ease of use and affordable prices cause LPG to be widely used for household needs. However, LPG gas can have a negative impact, if its usage is not carried out properly and correctly. Its flammable nature, easy to leak and spread everywhere in the air makes this LPG gas one of the originators of fires. LPG gas leaks are often detected too late and even ignored or not realized, when the danger of fire is difficult to control. Fires caused by gas leaks are exacerbated by the accumulation of the gas itself in a closed room which is a mixture of gas, oxygen and heat. Therefore, in this research work the author designed an early warning system for detecting and monitoring gas leaks. By using Arduino Uno as the brain or microcontroller, the MQ-2 sensor is used to detect LPG gas leaks. These devices are integrated into one system where there is a 2.4 GHz wireless protocol. Thus this tool can send
information to the user through the Blynk application installed on the cellphone. IoT (internet of things) as a media interface for actual monitoring in real time. The results of the research conducted a test using a torch with two different boxes, the size of the area of box a = 0.31 m and the area of box b = 0.63 m. The research findings are differences in the average gas values read in box a and box b, the closest distance is 4cm box a = 4783.67 ppm and box b = 4152.67 ppm, the farthest distance is 32 cm box a = 3368.33 and box b = 3539.00. From these experiments, it was concluded that the distance of the gas leak to the area of the room affects the results of gas leak detection.


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How to Cite

M. Irawan, “Perancangan Alat Pendeteksi Kebocoran Gas LPG Berbasis Sensor MQ-2 dan Arduino Uno”, SENTER, pp. 164–171, Jan. 2022.


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