Rancang Bangun Penyiraman Otomatis Berbasis IoT Menggunakan Smartphone


  • Nurlaelatul Ulpah Teknik Elektro,Fakultas Sains dan Teknologi, UIN Sunan Gunung Djati
  • Lia Kamelia Teknik Elektro,Fakultas Sains dan Teknologi, UIN Sunan Gunung Djati
  • Toni Prabowo PT. Habibi Digital Nusantara (Habibi Garden)


penyiraman otomatis, mikrokontroler esp32, ic RS485, could server


Perakitan alat penyiraman otomatis menghasilkan suatu alat yang menjadi kontrol utama dalam otomasi pendinginan maupun pengairan pada tanaman. Dimana terdapat Mikrokontroler esp32 yang tersambung langsung terhadap koneksi internet sehingga dapat diatur jarak jauh menggunakan smartphone, maupun interface display. Dengan jalur komunikasi menggunakan RTC IC rs485. RTC sebagai pengatur waktu memungkinkan data terjadi secara real time dan threshold yang diatur pada Mikrokontroler dapat disesuaikan waktunya. Sebelum merakit Habibi Grow, terlebih dahulu membuat desain wiring yang bertujuan agar mudah untuk melihat posisi dari tiap-tiap komponen saat proses perakitan. Komunikasi sensor ke Habibi Climate dan Colling System menggunakan rs485 ada pada ic max485 chanel untuk diambil data yang di kontrol oleh mikrokontroler esp32. Setelah didapat data dari esp32, data lalu dikirim ke pusat Habibi grow untuk dinaikkan atau dipost ke could server. Pada zona pengairan tidak dapat dilakukan penyiraman secara bersama, dan pada zona pendinginan dapatdilakukan secara bersamaan.


The automatic sprinkler assembly produces a tool that becomes the main control in cooling and irrigation automation in plants. Where there is an esp32 microcontroller that is connected directly to an internet connection so that it can be controlled remotely using a smartphone or display interface. With the communication line using the RTC IC rs485. RTC as a timer allows data to occur in real time and the threshold set on the Microcontroller can be adjusted accordingly. Before assembling the Habibi Grow, first make a wiring design that aims to make it easy to see the position of each component during the assembly process. Sensor communication to the Habibi Climate and Colling System using rs485 is on the max485 IC channel to retrieve data which is controlled by the esp32 microcontroller. After getting data from esp32, the data is then sent to the Habibi grow center to be raised or posted to the could server. Inteirrigati n z ne watering can’t be d ne t get er and in t e c ling zone it can be done simultaneously. A well-prepared abstract enables the reader to identify the basic content of a document quickly and accurately, to determine its relevance to their interests, and thus to decide whether to read the document in its entirety. The Abstract should be informative and completely self-explanatory, provide a clear statement of the problem, the proposed approach or solution, and point out major findings and conclusions. The Abstract should be 150 to 250 words in length. The abstract should be written in the past tense. Standard nomenclature should be used and abbreviations should be avoided. No literature should be cited. The keyword list provides the opportunity to add keywords, used by the indexing and abstracting services, in addition to those already present in the title. Judicious use of keywords may increase the ease with which interested parties can locate our article


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How to Cite

N. Ulpah, . L. Kamelia, and T. Prabowo, “Rancang Bangun Penyiraman Otomatis Berbasis IoT Menggunakan Smartphone”, SENTER, pp. 279–286, Jan. 2021.