Antena Array Mikrostrip Slot Dengan Tuning-Stubs Untuk Ku-Band Electronic Support Measure (ESM)


  • Retno Tri Cahyanti Prodi Teknik Telekomunikasi, Fakultas Teknik Elektro, Telkom University
  • Bambang Setia Nugroho Prodi Teknik Telekomunikasi, Fakultas Teknik Elektro, Telkom University
  • Yuyu Wahyu Pusat Penelitian Elektronika dan Telekomunikasi LIPI, Bandung


Electronic Support Measure, Ku-Band, Array Mikrostrip Slot Antenna


This paper introduces design array Mikrostrip Slot Antenna that can be used in an Electronic Support Measure (ESM). ESM is electronic device that use to receive electromagnetic signal and to monitor other radar electromagnetic signal. So, it should proposed cover radar frequency signal, one of them is Ku-Band that has wide band. The antenna comprises an 8-element array that used aperture coupling for exiting the array elements. The antenna bandwidth it about 6.2 GHz in Ku-Band Frequency. Antenna aperture coupling technique has back radiation, so it needed reflector that has been laid at λo/4 apart from the feed. Partial ground plane is used as another way to make bandwidth wider. Tuning stub is used as impedance network. Antenna was design using rogers RT5880 with values ԑ


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How to Cite

R. T. Cahyanti, B. S. Nugroho, and Y. Wahyu, “Antena Array Mikrostrip Slot Dengan Tuning-Stubs Untuk Ku-Band Electronic Support Measure (ESM)”, SENTER, pp. 26–34, Jan. 2018.


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