Kami mengundang para akademisi (dosen/mahasiswa), peneliti, praktisi profesional, industri, sektor publik, dan pemerintahan untuk berkontribusi mengirimkan makalah untuk dipresentasikan pada kegiatan SENTER 2024.

Makalah yang diterima mencakup topik (tetapi tidak terbatas):

  1. Engineering and Technology
    Electrical and Telecommunication, Computer and Information Technology, Performance Engineering, Signal Processing, Electro Magnetic Field.
  2. Embedded and Computer System
    Computer Architecture and Design, Performance Engineering, High Performance Computing, Bio Design Automation, Interaction Design, Control System, Robotic, Embedded System, Biomedical Embedded System. Computer Architecture and Design.
  3. Information, Network and Computer Security
    Computer and Network Security, Computer Network, Cloud Computing, Parallel and Distributed System, Internet of Things, Mobile Computing, Intelligent System and Arficial Intelligent, Wireless Ad-hoc and Sensor Networks, Peer to Peer Communications.
  4. Computer Science and Aplication
    Informatics, Intelligent System and Artificial Intelligent, Modelling Simulation, Computer Graphic, Computer Vision, Human Computer Interaction, Multimedia, Virtual/Augmented Reality, Parallel Algorithm.

Semua makalah yang diterima akan dipublikasikan pada Prosiding ber-ISBN dan Open Access Journal Seminar Nasional Teknik Elektro  yang terindex  google scholar. Makalah yang terpilih ditawari untuk diterbitkan di jurnal TELKA .